Thursday, August 23, 2007
"She strived for perfection. She loved setting herself tasks, sometimes impossible ones, to prove to her heart that underneath every seemingly ugly thing there was something beautiful inside."
"It was her hideaway, her nest, where she could hide from the problems outside her door."
"She may have felt that she was, coming and going as she pleased, not being tied down to anyone, anything, any place, but she was a slave to her addictions."
- Quoted from
If You Could See Me Now by
Cecelia Ahern
7:16 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
"At least in her home she was in control. Unlike the rest of her life, she could allow whoever she wanted in, she could decide how long they should stay and where in her home they could be. Not like a heart that invites people in without permission, holds them in a special place she never had any say in and then yearns for them to remain there longer than they plan."
- Quoted from
If You Could See Me Now by
Cecelia Ahern
10:56 PM
I'm rereading If You Could See Me Now! :D
Like finally. But I don't have much time to read it. I still have lots of Chinese work due. Bleah. I feel damn bad. I hope Wulao still teaches us next year :D She's nice but then she said that she might request to change class ): Noooooo! Heh she gave us almond chocolates that day though. :D She is nice!
CME now. Talking about plastic surgery. Lol.
I shall upload the quotes later at night (:
If I finish my Chinese work :/
12:09 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Cheryl, if you want to do your work,
I cannot start lying on my bed! I'll just feel like sleeping on it ): And I always tell myself that it's only a short nap, and that I'll wake up soon and go back to doing work. But guess what, I always sleep through the night (mainly because I'm really tired) and wake up with the lights on! It has already happened twice in a row! Last night and the night before the last! I hope it doesn't become a new habit of mine =/
I don't feel like doing huodong anymore but I want to send them to Wulao by tonight! Morning, whatever! ): And I haven't practiced guitar either. Gah. I practiced really little this week. Been so busy rushing overdue work ):
Anyway, we had elections on friday.
President: Yi Yi Vice-presidents: Bailu, Hern Hern Sec4 '08 Level Heads: Xue Yan, Lim Min Sec3 '08 Level Heads: Quek Ying, Ling KaiSec2 '08 Level Heads: Xiao Tong, ElenaI'm considerably satisfied with the results (: But I won't be posting my thoughts and opinions here. I just hope that the Batch '08 Exco will lead the dance society in the right direction. Not forgetting, the amount of help and support that laoshi will be needing next year! We will do it, together! GO NYCD :D
But next year will be really important for the Dance Society. DANCE NIGHT! I really can't wait!I will definitely put in my best for all the preparations and stuff! I would like to be really involved in it (: Afterall, we don't have dance night every year so this chance is really precious! Yay :D
I can't wait for danceeeeee! Proper liangong session! :D :D :D :D Like, finally! 90th deprived us extremely badly. I feel really fat and flabby now D: Like how every dancer feels too! Hahahaha.
3:21 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I feel so smart!
I was feeling funny so I decided to write over the lipgloss stains on my rough paper which I wrote all my huodong rough copies. I just knew I shouldn't have done that! Now my black pen's screwed. And it's one of the two working ones I have ): Okay fine I have three but I don't really like the other one. Grrr ):
It's time I bought new pens anyway. I wanted to buy new ones when I went to Pop that time! But guess what, I stared at the pen section for a gazillion years and I didn't see a single black pen (The one I usually use and prefer xD). I refused to believe it so I stood there for another gazillion years. Still, NOTHING! ):
Oh I told myself I'd go to school to check. I still haven't done that. I keep forgetting! Or rather, I'm too lazy =/ Ladeedum (: Someday, I'll get down to doing it :D It's just a matter of time!
Oh yes I better start working on huodong seriously. I really want to sleep early tonight. I still can't believe I fell asleep with my lights on last night. HAHAHHAA. It will not happen again! :D Wheeeee. I hope (:
Okay I'm going to be a good girl and do my huodong (:
1:25 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Didn't intend to sleep at all tonight.
I'm not even tired. But I think I will be tomorrow. No, today.
Mom and Dad will be home in about 4 hours. I've been a naughty girl during their absence. But I miss them, lots. Won't be able to see them till tonight because I'll be in school. The whole day, I suppose. Since I have so much overdue homework undone. And it's not that I'm not doing it. It's because i Can't do it. There's a difference.
Once Mom and Dad are back today, I'll be a good girl. I promise. I can't afford to waste any more time idling my bloody ass off. I've screwed this term up back enough. I don't want to do it again for eoys.
I need someone to slap me to wake me up from my reverie.
Or else, I need Mom to scold me real bad.
I'd choose the latter.
Okay, since I'm not doing anything much now, I shall go to bed. In case my maid wakes up from another nightmare and checks if anyone has broken into the house. Hahaha. She dreamt she was kidnapped last night and she checked the whole house.
Somehow I'm secretly wishing that I wake up with another stomach ache this morning, like yesterday, so I don't have to go to school. I officially hate school.
3:47 AM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I want to read A Place Called Here again.
I want to read If You Could See Me Now again.
I want to read Where Rainbows End again.
I love Cecelia Ahern's books.
They are really meaningful.
Everyone should start reading them.
I'm still waiting for her to write a new book.
Last but not least,
I want to read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows again.
It's Awesome!
12:45 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007
"He felt that he was still groping in the dark; he had chosen his path but kept looking back, wondering whether he had misread the signs, whether he should not have taken the other way."- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
10:07 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I can't fall asleep. ):
And this is one of the times when I WANT to sleep early ):
I have to reach school at 8.15 tomorrow and I don't wanna end up being all sleepy and tired tomorrow. Neither do I want another headache. ): Although I already feel like I have one now... ):
But anyway, I think today (since it's already saturday) will be really fun! :D And I'm going to be sooooo happy after 90th is OVER!!!! I can't wait to liangong and start on dance night! <3 I feel so weak nowadays. I don't even feel like I have the bounce whenever I jump nowadays ): I want that bounce back!
I love lianing gong with xiaoges though :D It's fun and we keep pushing each other to go on! I guess that's how we all improved so much (: Although I think I'm still quite bleah ): I need to do more! (: I miss barre alotalotalot. Can't wait! :D
Missing tuition! YAY. But I'll be missing ballet too ): I don't want to miss ballet! ): I want to dance the dance! It's nice :D And exciting. I love it! <3
I'm like talking in bits and pieces =/ But my brain's not working properly since I tried to sleep for half an hour just now, so I'm like quite groggy now.
But anyway, Bianca sabo-ed me just now ): She gave me this url to this optical illusions website. At first I was like, Hey it's quite cool xD Until the end when there was this ghastly face and really sharp scream ): I got such a huge shock I immediately shut my eyes the moment I heard the scream. It was really freaky ): I hate such stuff! And this is not the first time it happened to me! ): That's why I love my iPod (: Because it's at times like this that I listen to it to sleep! :D It kind of makes me not so scared :/
Yesterday's bbq was fun anyway (: I finally saw wenny after SOOOO long! :D She's always so busy she hardly makes it for gatherings ): But heh she could make it yesterday (: Eh no, I meant thursday. Forgot it's already saturday.
I got dunked into the pool anyway. I didn't exactly want to get wet initially =/ But it was quite fun :D hahahah stupid charlie! I couldn't drag him in a single time ): I only managed to push him back into the pool a few times while he was trying to get out. HAHAHAHA. Waterbombs were fun too (: Well I got dunked into the pool a few times ): But that was only when I was still wet. After I was quite dry, Charlie asked me to jump with him, Angie and Luwei. Hahahaha I agreed and well yeah I got wet again. We were trying to take jump shots! Albeit unsuccessful ):
We tried to drag Germaine into the pool too! But we didn't manage too. Sigh ): It would have been fun if we managed to :D heh! The next time I'll try harder :D Wen Man left quite early so she didn't get dunked ): But I was already wet by then. HAHAHAHA. I should have hugged her before she left! What a pity. HAHAHAHA. I kind of hugged Germaine when I was still wet though xD But I was already drying a bit so yeah ):
I shall try and go to sleep soon.
I need my sleep.
But before that, I'm going to reread Harry (:
1:50 AM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Okay I'm blogging only because I don't feel like doing my overdue work.
Not because I'm free.
My life sounds so sad ):
But, it is.
Anyway, I've been trying to psycho myself into getting into the mood to do work. For hours. I took like two hours to finish one gonghan lah. Like wth D: I just kept chatting on Msn and there were like distractions all around me. This is bad. And until now, I'm still not done with my second gonghan. How nice (: Oh but I feel glad enough that I actually finished my first gonghan! I think it has been overdue for like one month or even longer. I keep telling myself that I'll do it, even to the extent of telling Trish that I'm very determined to finish it one fateful week! But I never got down to doing it. I kept creating excuses for myself. Procrastinator ):
I want to complain! WHY ARE WE HAVING CROSS COUNTRY AT TURF CITY AGAIN THIS YEAR?! That place sucks like bloodyshitcrap okay. I hate it. It's so... yuck. Just, plain gross. WHY CAN'T WE GO BACK TO MACRITCHIE! ): I liked macritchie. And I still do. Although that long stretch of road is really intimidating, but STILL, it's TONS better than stupid turf city which is overgrown with WILD plants. Okay fine macritchie has wild plants too but its different! Turf city is like damn ulu lah. It's like someone can just jump out from a bush and ambush you and kidnap you and demand for ransom from your family. Sigh. I guess turf city's cheaper that's why. Blame the stupid people who double booked us last year at macritchie. I think NY will continue sticking to turf city from now on, knowing them... It's so typical. But I still hope cross country will be held at Macritchie next year! :D Me and my ramblings.
I bet wonglianghui hasn't finished her gonghans yet. She is like so dead. Oh no I still have huodongs to do ): Huodong is damn sian lah. It's just to make, no, I should use force, us to engage in some gay cheena activity. Not like I don't anyway since I'm from ny! Zzz. I don't see the rationale behind it man. Honestly I don't see the rationale behind learning the stuff we're learning for math or chem now anyway. As in like, I so totally know that I'm not going to grow up to be a mathematician or have anything to do with Science. Okay maybe Science I'm not that sure yet but definitely NOT a mathematician. Nor a math teacher. I'll go nuts doing math everyday. I don't see how these people find joy in doing math sums :/ No offence to whoever's reading this and loves math. It's just my opinion. Ladeedum. I believe the other 5 dodos feel the same way too. Hahahaha.
Cher went offline! ): Now I'm all alone. Sigh. I think I won't be able to do huodongs tonight. Or maybe I'll wake up at 3 or something. I hope I have enough huodongs anyway. Hahahaha.
Okay I shall get back to my work.
12:33 AM